For instance, if you were allowed to torture a man (or his family) that held information where a nuclear bomb in Stockholm were located that would save thousands …show more content…
It uses objectification since the theory argues that certain things are always wrong or always right with no exceptions. The time, place or culture have no power as it does in relativism which is more subjective (Moore). And in comparison to utilitarianism, absolutism targets the act and not the outcome. Since absolutism theory believes and focuses on opposite principles than relativism and utilitarianism, it would be fair to say that absolutism would strongly disagree in allowing the act of torture of the man. The objectiveness of absolutism would not allow torture to take place. Absolutism does not consider the circumstances, since it is already predetermined what is viewed as right and wrong (Revisionworld). I believe that this can to some extent be dangerous since it does not allow the view of a wider perspective, which in turn may lead to horrible consequences. For instance, many religion have morally absolutist positions, which may lead to criminal activities, since some muslims for example us their religion to justify their killing because they are doing it in the name of God (Allah). Even though absolutism have many negative downsides, it is absolutism that takes a universal view of society, leading to torture being forbidden for example. The clear guidelines of absolutism enables the theory to keep the UN declaration of humans rights. This declaration is objective as it for instance points out that no one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment and no one shall be held in slavery or servitude (UN). Absolutism somewhat treats everyone equally, since it does not consider the circumstances or the specificity of the situation. In the situation of torturing the man, absolutism would not be a good theory, since it would kill innocent lives, but in other cases, absolutism theory may be helpful. For instance, the absolutism taking place in the human rights