Development can be defined as an act of developing from birth till maturity.Development is a series of re-births. Dr. Maria Montessori said, child is always in a continued stage development. Child is continuously growing whereas adult is already matured. Development occurs in stages, almost like steps. She further noted that within each stage of development, there is a creative period of intense acquisition of skills or knowledge and then a calmer period of consolidation, i.e. absorbing and making that knowledge one’s own. When a child is born, he goes into four sages of life. His life takes many changes. As a child goes to each stage, his needs change. After all these changes, he reaches to maturity of social, mental and physical change and development. Each plane is approximately of six years and has its own special characteristics as follows:
This stage starts from birth and last till six years. This is the period of transformation and the characteristic of this period is known as the “Absorbent Mind” in which the child’s mind is like a sponge, absorbing all that is in the environment. The first plane of development is further divided into sub-phases: first sub-plane is from birth to three years and the second sub-plane is from three to six years.
In the first sub-plane, physically, the child is uncapable of looking after himself. He’s physically vulnerable i.e prone to diseases and illnesses as his immune system is still developing. At this age, vaccines are given to the child so that he can fight with his illness. He gets new teeth, tries to sit and crawls. His hair and skin are soft. The child is unable to co-ordinate with the movements. He does not have balance and equilibrium. Right from the birth, his sensory nerves are active. He can smell, taste and see. The child looks at the mother’s face when she is talking to him. He observes the sound. The first sub-plane is an important period of development