Like the words stroke, heart, culture, power, and or sensitivity can be used in health care has a meaning. These words can be also used in other discipline outside of nursing and have other meanings, for the purpose of this assignment, the word that is identified is the holistic care approach in nursing. The concept of the word holistic can have different meanings, and it is usable either in nursing as part of patient caring, and it is also usable in philosophy which is characterized by comprehension of the parts of something as intimately interconnected and explicable only by reference to the whole. a life style of ethnic group. In this assignment, the concept of the word …show more content…
The concrete term is referred to objects or events that are available to the senses. We all as nurses want to make our patients feel comfortable. The term comfortable as an abstract term is not the same to everyone. One patient may be felt comfortable in the supine position while another patient may be felt comfortable in Fowler's position. In the concrete concept for example giving a pain medication to a patient who is in severe pain to make this patient feels comfortable is a concrete concept. “It has been shown that concrete concepts are more easily learned than abstract concepts” (Hill, Korhonen, & Bentz, 2014, p. 163). Concrete terms are clearer and more interesting than abstract …show more content…
225). Nursing is the only profession that embraces: clinician, teaching, and advocacy which the concept of human caring. In Unit 2 I had chosen the concept of holistic care approach in patient care and management. The theoretical and operational definition that can be applied to the concept of holistic care approach in patient care and management is to see the patients as whole which addresses the body, mind and spirit. According to Klebanoff, & Hess (2013), holistic nursing is based on a philosophy of living and being that is grounded in caring, relationship, and interconnectedness. The goal of the holistic care nurse is to identify the underlying cause that may cause an impact in patient health. If a patient, for example, has a health condition it is important to look at how it impacts the patient’s health emotionally, physically, and spiritually. If someone has a spiritual or emotional crises like grieving the death of a loved one, then we look at how it impacts them