This paper brings together key findings from across the recent literature to enhance overall understanding about “The Effects of Multimedia System in Advertising among Firms.” Multimedia advertising represents the convergence of text, pictures, video and sound into a single form. In common usage, the term multimedia refers to an electronically delivered combination of media including video, still images, audio text in such a way that can be accessed interactively. Multimedia advertising utilized the capability of print, radio and television advertisement, direct-mail campaigns, online advertisement, e-mail advertisement and outdoor advertisement including transit and billboards. As the advertising industry is often eager to embrace new technologies because of the nature of competition on the advertising method, the industry is always looking for new and innovative ways to approach and convey their messages to their customers and clients. The explosive growth of multimedia advertising on the Web also creates huge opportunities for revenue growth and market expansion. The result of the study shows that when it comes to the allocation of budget in the advertisement that company generates has a very high effect according to respondents through conducting survey. Primetime slot is the best way to attract and communicate with the consumer because this is the time that people relaxed and spend the time with their families.
Company name has a great advantage because they are familiarize and patronize the firms, the decision of a business firms on which they can choose the best advertising media that can accommodate to promote their product. It seems that the size of multimedia advertising materials affects its attractiveness for the viewers, although it is expensive to acquire. The strategic locations of a Multimedia Advertising System have a great impact to get high revenue. This research will help the audience to be more knowledgeable about Multimedia