Guaynabo Campus
Week 2
Individual Assigment
Michelle Montcourt
Prof. María Ortíz Ortíz
1. Regulation of “home schooling”
Abstract Three major investigations were conducted in an effort to determine the impact of home school regulations on educational enrollments in the United States. Home school regulations were obtained from state departments of education and investigated to determine the strength of the accountability measures. Populations representative of the school-age population by state, school enrollment, school non-enrollment, and home school enrollment were collected using 2000 U. S. Census data. The relationship between the strength of the home school regulations and the home school enrollments was examined. Finally, the existence of a discrepant student population was assessed.
2. The effect of site-based management on accountabilty.
Site-based management, outcomes-based education and assessment, academic standards, effective assessment tools... children. A far-reaching effect of PL 94-142 has been the virtual elimination of the exclusion of disabled children from school. As the title of the act
3. Legal issues associated with “ability grouping”
4. Political aspects of phonics
Noting that the role of phonics in reading and writing has become as much a political issue as it has an educational one, this pamphlet offers a position statement regarding the role of phonics in a total reading program. It begins with three assertions regarding phonics and the teaching of reading: (1) the teaching of phonics is an important aspect of beginning reading instruction; (2) classroom teachers in the primary grades do value and do teach phonics as part of their reading programs; and (3) phonics instruction, to be effective in promoting independence in reading, must be embedded in the context of
References: Payne, K., & Neely, R. (2005). The impact of home schooling regulations on educational enrollments in the US (2nd ed.). : . Encyclopedia of Special Education:(2009) A Reference for the Education of the Handicapped and Other Exceptional Children and Adults. Retrieved from Solow, Sara Aronchick. (2010) Yale Law & Policy Review, Vol. 28 Issue 2, p 481-523, 43p Jepsen, Christopher; Rivkin, Steven. (2009) Journal of Human Resources, Vol. 44 Issue 1, p223-250, 28p. Elizabeth; Turner, Lisa A.. Educational Psychology, (2008), Vol. 28 Issue 5, p521-534, 14p, 2 Diagrams, 4 Charts. Gleason, Philip; Clark, Melissa; Tuttle, Christina Clark. National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance. 2010 259 pp. Kima Payne Stewart, Richard A Neeley. Education. Chula Vista: Winter 2005. Vol. 126, Iss. 2; pg. 353, 11 pgs