An abstract should briefly: • (Re)-establish the topic of the research project. • Give the research problem and/or main objective of the project (this usually comes first). • Indicate the methodology used. • Present the main findings. • Present the main conclusions See suggestions below, but also visit the section “EXAMPLES” at
Word limit: An abstract (including a bibliography or examples, if needed) must be no more than 500 words. Please note the word count at the bottom of the abstract. Except for the instructions given below, no special form or format is needed for this initial submission of the abstract. Title: At the top of the abstract, put the title.
Many abstracts are rejected because they omit crucial information rather than because of errors in what they include. A suggested outline for abstracts (500 words max) is as follows: 1. Choose a title that clearly indicates the topic of the paper and is no more than one line long. 2. State the problem or research question raised by prior work, with specific reference to relevant prior research. 3. State the main point or argument of the proposed presentation. 4. Cite sufficient data, and explain why and how they support the main point or argument. Explain abbreviations at their first occurrence.
5. If your paper presents the results of experiments, but collection of results is not yet complete, then report what results you have already obtained in sufficient detail so that your abstract may be evaluated. Also indicate the nature of the experimental design and the specific hypothesis tested. 6. State the relevance of your ideas to past work or to the future development of the field. Describe analyses in as much detail as possible. Avoid saying in effect "a solution to this problem will be presented". If you are taking a stand on a controversial issue, summarize the arguments that lead you to