In the short story "Mother to Son" by Langston Hughes, the main character "mother" explains to her son difficulties in life and how they changed her outlook. The mother compares all of her life experiences to a staircase. She mentions that ,"life ain't been no crystal stair". This shows that her life has not been easy. She also compares life to a rundown staircase having "splinters" and "torn up in places". …show more content…
She can be kind to her grandmother and possibly face the embarrassment, or be mean but not looked at strangely by others. Before her experience with her grandmother, the latter was the most important to her. Constancia was incredibly conscientious about what people thought about her. When her grandma embarrassed Constancia, she didn't do anything to help. She just stood on the sidelines because she was afraid what people would think of her if they knew that the lady that was lost was her grandma. When the got home her grandma told her, "You made me feel like a zero, a nothing." This experience helped shape Constancias morals. She realized that her actions have effects on people. She also learned that family is more important than what people may think.
Even though both of these stories took place in a totally different time frame and location, they both have similarities. Both of the characters learned that life isn't black and white. They both learned that life is not easy and not everything is given. In "Mother to son" and "Abuela Invents the Zero", both of the main characters learn the importance of family. The mother wants to help her son exceed in life and does this by encouraging him to not give up even when life gets tough. Constancia learns that family and people's feelings are so much more important than what strangers may