1. The gas leak was the cause the delay in production.
2. The company has installed a microprocessor-controlled scanner to increase quality control of assembled components.
3. We need you to start beta-testing the online preventative maintenance training program before the scheduled completion date.
4. If you have any kind of problems with the Model 17 LCD panel, please contact me immediately.
5. The 4Tell software will be initiated to prevent slippage of the schedule.
6. The Freeling Lake Mine survey project has reached the point of being behind on schedule.
7. The technician may or may not have read the addendum correctly.
8. The company only allows the borrowing of tools for home use for 48 hours.
9. The only way you can borrow tool is by completing the Form 210A.
10. The executive committee has decided to set aside the amount of $240,000 in next year’s budget for renovation of the metrology lab.
11. We lost 22% in acidity following the introduction of Limasol Plus into the solution.
12. We may cause accelerated bearing failure if we attempt to operate the engine at 1500 rpm.
13. Make sure you have the available parts before starting work on the model 1800 scanner.
14. To check for grain temperature, make sure you use the 5 feet probe and insert vertically downward into the depths of the grain.
15. Registration for next year’s Institute in Technical Management shall be made before or no later than December 15.
16. My left front have the tendency to shimmy when my speed is between 65 and 70 mph.
17. We have noticed a decrease in production in the region of 3% to 5% for last year.
18. Overtime will be worked for a period of two weeks to bring the project back on schedule by the end of next week.
19. Fairview research program will be finish after the installation and testing of the remote sensing unit.
20. The replacement vehicle will be ready in good time for the start of the survey season.