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Jennifer Rivera, Jose Campos
Anabell Navarro, Yassmin Jblawi
Professor Flores
November 24, 2014 Child Abuse and Neglect
Have you ever thought about the children who are being abuse around the world? Can
you imagine being a victim of child abuse? Many people have difficulties meeting the demands of parenthood and they can become more abusive when they reach a breaking point or do not know what to do. However, there is not a particular person that abuses children, the perpetrator can be a parent, babysitter, friend or relative; also, the abuser can be of any age or gender. In the year of 2000, almost three million American children were subject of child abuse and neglect …show more content…
investigation, third of these children were confirmed as victim of abuse and neglect. There are several types of child abuse, but the core element that ties them together is the emotional effect on the child. There are millions of children in the world in the world being affected by some kind of abuse. Whether the abuse is physical, neglect, sexual, or emotional, it has proven to affect children in many different ways.
Physical abuse is an unwelcomed act towards a child’s body. Abusive behavior includes any uncomfortable interaction with the body. Physical abuse usually results in injuries such as bruising, scratches and broken bones. Statistics show that 25% of abused children are under the
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age of three while over 45% are under the age five. In 2012, 1,593 children died due to abuse and neglect, 70% were younger than three years of age and 44% were younger than one year of age.
An unbelievable amount of children are physically abused each year by a close relative and kept quiet. In spite of the pain and tribulation that caused from abuse, children suffer from emotional trauma. Dave Pelzer is an extremely successful author who went through target child selection; when the perpetrator chooses a child at random to vent the rage. Dave is the author of “A Child
Called It” which focuses on his childhood and how he was physically and emotionally abused by his alcoholic mother. Pelzer’s autobiography spread abuse awareness all throughout the United
States. “A Child Called It” impacted the lives of people who had also gone through child abuse and kept quiet. Early identification is important to prevent the long term consequences of physical abuse. Children who have been abused may show unexplained fractures, unexpected bruises, or even broken bones. Be as approachable as you can and understandable with the child.
A report should be made immediately to Child Protective Services if there is any concerns over a child. Another type of child abuse is child neglect. Neglect involves the persistent failure to meet a child’s basic physical and psychological needs, likely to result in the serious impairment of the child’s health, physical, emotional, or mental development. Child neglect is divided by professional into four forms. First comes the physical form, this type of abuse occurs when parents or caregivers fail to provide necessary food, shelter, clothing, or lack of appropriate supervision. Second is emotional neglect, it occurs when the guardians are not paying attention to the child’s emotional needs such as fail to provide psychological care, allowing the child to use alcohol, drugs, or get involved with crime. Third form is educational neglect, this is when the
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guardians are not aware of the child’s school performance, allowing the child to miss school on a regular basis, not giving the child important tools to succeed, or disregarding bad behavior from the child. The last form is medical neglect; it occurs when the parents or caregivers fail to provide medical or mental health treatment. Neglect is usually seen by an ongoing pattern of inadequate care and is readily observed by individuals in close contact with the child such as relatives, neighbors, teachers, nurses, or physicians. The long lasting effects on a child who is being neglected are quite frightening. According to study conducted by researchers at Boston’s
Children's Hospital the long lasting effect of neglect alter brain structure.
The study compares kids who are being raised in Romanian state run orphanages to children being brought up in normal Romanian family homes at the same time. Romanian state run orphanages in usually has a ratio of 1 adult to 12 children. Brain MRI scans showed that children being raised in state run orphanages developed less grey matter volume and white matter volume in the cortex of the brain then children being brought in family home. White matter is important because it is responsible for the connectivity between the regions of the brain and it is the brain’s information superhighway, but the growth of the grey matter is the part of the brain thought to control sensory reception and muscle control. In addition, other long lasting effects of neglect are anxiety, depression, dissociation, difficulty concentrating, academic problems, and difficulty sleeping. Neglect is the most common type of child abuse in the United States. In 2005, 62.8 percent of child abuse victims suffer from neglect. Society can help to prevent the future perpetuation of child neglect by increasing public awareness efforts to educate parents …show more content…
and caregivers, and making mental health services available to victims of child neglect as early as possible. Preventing every single child from being neglected is a difficult and impossible, but if
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everyone in society becomes more aware and involved we can improve the statistics of the children who are being neglected. Child sexual abuse is another type of child abuse. Sexual activity with a child under the age of eighteen is consider a criminal offense. Sexual abuse also includes mental violation that can have a psychological effect on many children. Although, children have had psychological consequences into their adult years, others grow up to be normal functioning adults with minimal consequences. Child sexual abuse is defined by the children’s Department of Health and Human
Services as an involvement of the child in sexual activity to provide sexual gratification or financial benefit to the perpetrator, including contacts for sexual exploitative activities. Sexual abuse of a child is life altering, damaging, and irreversible act. Abuse sometimes begins as early as eighteen months old, and in some cases younger. Parents may notice a certain type of behavior and symptoms, which may include urinary and bowel problems, laceration of sex organs, inappropriate fear of adults and extreme behavior change. Whatever the symptoms might be, doctors have been able to diagnose sexual abuse cases. According to “Childhood Sexual Abuse,” by Karen L. Kinnear says, “back to 1576, jurist in England rule that female child could consent to sex at the age of ten and can be married at the age of twelve. Thus having sexual relations with a child between the ages of ten and twelve is a misdemeanor.” While today adults cannot have sexual relations with any child under the age of eighteen, evidently in some cases adults have avoided prosecution for rape and sexual abuse of children. For instance, as in the case of Kelly
Michaels; once a preschool teacher was later sentenced to jail in 1998. Michaels was found guilty for forcing children to eat feces and urine, also having them to eat peanut butter off her genitals. Many children also accused Michaels of putting Legos and kitchen utensils into their
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vaginas and rectum. However in 1993, Michaels had her conviction overturned, and all charges were dropped. Today, some states have extended their statute of limitations because they believe that some children are afraid, or just do not know how to report the incidents. However, in the book “The Epidemic of Rape and Child Abuse in The United State,” Dian E.H. Russell and
Rebecca M. Bolen state that some states are considering their statutes of limitations dues to the false memory syndrome foundation that memories of child sexual abuse retrieved in therapy or in survivor groups are usually false. Many victims have chosen to give up on hope to heal from their devastating trauma. While others have learned to heal from their psychological wound, and learned to live a normal life. Whichever the decision, sexual abuse should be dealt as is, an irrevocable damaging and hateful act. Finally, child abuse is more than bruises and broken bones. While physical abuse might be the most visible, other types of abuse, such as emotional abuse also leave deep and long lasting scars. “Stick and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me!” Contrary to this old saying, emotional abuse of a child is commonly defined as a pattern of behaviors by parents or caregivers that can severely damage a child’s mental health or social development, leaving lifelong psychological scars. Children who had been emotionally abused suffered from anxiety, depression, low self esteem, symptoms of post traumatic stress, and suicide at the same rate and, in some cases, at a greater rate than children who were physically or sexually abused.
Emotional abuse can happen in all types of families, regardless of their background. Most parents want the best for their children. However, some parents may emotionally and psychologically harm their children because of stress, poor parenting skills, social isolation, lack of available resources, or inappropriate expectations of their children. Parents or caregivers may
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emotionally abuse their children because they were emotionally abused as children. Among all types of abuse, emotional abuse is the most strongly associated with depression; therefore, victims become easily convinced that they are worthless, believe no one wants them, and they have nowhere to go so they stay in the abusive situation. Emotional abuse can take many forms such as rejecting, this include bad name calling, refusing the child hug, and make the child feel unwanted. Also, ignoring forms includes not paying attention to the child’s health or school performance. In addition, terrorizing includes yelling, scaring, using harsh words, ridiculing the child in public, and force the child to watch violence. Moreover, isolating form occurs when
the parents prevent the child from making friends; also, exploiting involves manipulation of the child and assigning responsibilities. Last but not least, corruption form includes teaching the child racism to become biased towards someone’s religion or ethnicity. The effects of this type of abuse are not always immediate or visible; therefore, emotional abuse is the most difficult form of child abuse to identify and stop because Child Protective Services must have demonstrated evidence that the child has been harmed before they can intervene. Since emotional abuse does not leave mark on the child as physical abuse such as bruising or malnutrition, it can be very hard to diagnose. The long lasting effect of emotional abuse may only become evident as a child becomes older and begins to show difficult or disturbing behaviors or symptoms.
From our own perspective, child abuse has psychological and emotional paths, which can lead to dark places in life. Children need predictability, structure, clear boundaries, and the knowledge that their parents are looking out for their safety. Although each person has their own problems, we should not inflict them on children. Abused children cannot predict how their parents will act. Their world is an unpredictable, frightening place with no rules. Whether the
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abuse is a slap, a harsh comment, stony silence, or to not know if there will be a meal on the table, the end result is a child that feels unsafe, uncared for, and alone. Whatever cause of child abuse, the most important is adult behavior. Thus, education is the best method for preventing child abuse. Through the training program, adults might get a healthier life and children can acquire skills of selfprotection. We hope that in the future children all over the world will be kept away from child abuse.