One major weakness that man struggles with is abusing power. Abuse of power basically manipulates the control people have in a way that turns out to be negative. Especially in the Old Testament of the Bible, several characters did not use the control they had in a positive way. The Pharaoh of Exodus 3-12 definitely misapplied the power he had over Israel. He did not treat his people well and ended up getting a punishment of the ten plagues. In Genesis 4-6, God created a flood to wipe out humanity because the violence was getting out of hand. The rulers who abused their power caused the great amount of violence in the world at that time. To help abuse of power not affect us, a level-headed person needs to have command over the world. Quite a few characters were catapulted into situations where they were …show more content…
This quality portrays irony because the major weakness of man is abusing power. Leadership and abuse of power often coincide to cause corruption among people. When leadership is given to caring individuals it can be man’s greatest strength. When intelligent leaders are given power great things will happen for everyone. Various examples of leadership are presented in the Bible. Moses, from Exodus 3, led Israel to freedom from the Pharaoh. The Pharaoh enslaved the Israelites, Moses’ people, and Moses was determined to give them freedom. With the help of God, Moses sent Ten Plagues to get his people home to liberty. By doing this, he showed true leadership and