As per UWS policy Plagiarism is defined as an “act of presenting material as one’s own without appropriate acknowledgement that constitutes plagiarism, not the intension of the student when doing so”, for example when student submits work in which words or ideas are presented as their own as intentional or unintentional without proper acknowledgment of the original author such as website, other students work, lecture, journal article or book. Cheating is described as any attempt to give or obtain assistance in a formal academic exercise such as examination, without due acknowledgment such as speaking to other students during examination, carrying any information materials such as textbooks, using electronics devices such as mobile, Bluetooth any other items which are prohibited by examination supervisor. Collusion is where two or more people engage in plagiarism, cheating or encourage others to do so.
According to UWS Academic misconduct policy there are Minor misconduct and substantial misconduct. A Minor misconduct is determine