ID: 16241196
The question of “class size and academic performance” has generated a strong debate among academics stakeholders, teachers, administrators, parents and as well as researchers. The issues create strong arguments because of the powerful common sense that small classes model appeals. We can understand that class size influences on students’ academic achievements whereas some well developed countries disputes the statement above show the same or a better result studying in large classes . It is a continuing discussion that decreasing of class size is beneficial to students’ performance while others it is not even important. This paper therefore, seeks to analyse and determine the importance of class size to student’s achievement. Several research have been carried out and literature written on the relationship of class size to academic achievement of students. Some researcher seems to have a view that smaller class size increase student academic performance and gives a better and personal educational experience.
Finn and Achilles (1989), in their work “Meta-analysis of research on the relationship of class size and achievement”. They collected, analysed and summarized over 70 studies of the relationship of class size with the academic performance that resulted to over 700 class size comparisons from over 900,000 pupils. Firstly “reduced class size can be expected to produce increased academic achievement” and second “the major benefits from reduced class size are obtained as the size is reduced below 23 pupils. It can be depicted from the above findings that small classes are effective and owe their effectiveness to the small number of students in a particular class, with attention from one or more teachers.
It is right to begin by finding definite advantages of reducing the class size and the pending result to be achieved.
References: Ehrenberg, Brewer.D.J, Willms, D.J., Gamoran, A.,’Does Class Size Matter?’ in Scientific American (November 2001). Zorpette, G., Analysis of the relationship of huge class-size and high scores achievement.