In the world of modern ages importance of banking business is immeasurable. Agricultural and industrial prosperity cannot be imagined without the existence of an expedient banking system in the country. Absence of a fair banking system is identified as a prime cause of backwardness of any country in respect of its commerce and industry. Banks have been playing effective role in the capitalistic as well as socialistic countries of the world in their internal distribution of wealth. Banking system of Bangladesh has not also remained less advanced in the above banking atmosphere.
After liberation the then government of the new born country being recognized as Bangladesh in the world society made all the existing banks nationalized by an ordinance named as "Bangladesh Bank Ordinance" dated the 26 March,
|Structural from of Banking system : |[pic] |
|Later on government of the self declared President H.M. Er shad | |
|following a denationalization policy allowed establishment | |
|of banking institution in the Private sector and released three of | |
|such nationalized banks in the private sector. | |
|[pic] | |
structure of Bangladeshi banking system is somewhat identical with that of British system. Bangladesh Bank occupies the central position in the banking sector of Bangladesh. Whole Banking Sector is controlled and run by central Bank. All scheduled banks including their