I. Introduction. What is a noun declension? II. Mainly part
1. Old English noun declension
2. Middle English noun declension
3. New English noun declension
III. Conclusion
IV. References
I. Introduction. What is a noun declension? Noun Declension - It’s how a noun changes (‘declines’) its form depending on its position in a sentence, i.e., whether it’s a subject, a direct object, an object of a preposition. This different positioning of a noun in a sentence is called a case (or ‘padež’). ' 'Old English as it is well known, was a highly inflected language, which made it possible to show the connection between words in word groups and sentences by means of synthetic devices; analytical ways of word-connection were of lesser importance. Accordingly, the word order in the sentence and within noun patterns and verb patterns was relatively free. The Old English sentence was characterized by a variety of objects expressed by different case forms with and without prepositions; various case forms of nouns could also serve as adverbial modifiers. On the other hand, the structure of the sentence was relatively simple: thus there wvre as vet very few complex parts of the sentence (only the complex object," used on a very restricted scale and an adverbial modifier, the so-called Dative Absolute, which soon went out of use), The structure of the complex sentence in the Old English period was yet in the making, probably because the written form of language, which favors the growth of more complicated sentence patterns, had only recently come into being. These and many other features of Old English syntax will have to be recalled in considering the changes in the structure of the word groups and sentences in the Middle English and Early New English periods.
The changes in syntax in Middle English and Early New English are tied
References: 3. Albert C. A. “History of the English language” M. 1963 4 Almaty, 2011 The Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai