The variables that determine students’ academic performance can be from the student, home and school. This could be termed as Self/Family/School (Crosnoe, Johnson & Elder (2004). To Ballatine (1993) most of these factors affecting academic performance of students are demographic in nature and some of which are; gender, age, environmental/geographical, ethnicity, parents level of education, income levels of parents among others.
Academic Performance is observed to be the direct outcome of education. It is the main indicator that learning has occurred. Driscoll (2005:1) describes learning as a “persisting change in performance or performance potential that results from experience and interaction with the world”. Therefore, for learning to be observed, there must be demonstration through performance on related tasks. Though performance heavily depends on learning, low performance may not necessarily reflect in adequacy in learning.
Educational Performance the extent to which a student, tutor or institution has achieved the educational goal. Academic performance is normally measured by the scores after taking examination/tests or by continuous assessment but there no general agreement on how it is best tested or which aspect are most important (Ward, Stoker & Ward 1996). According to Bandura (2001), it is possible to learn a task and yet perform poorly in it. Other factors, other than the learning process, have potential of influencing performance on tasks.
In an academic setting, performance can be referred to as ‘academic performance’. Academic