Assignment three- Research Proposal
Assignment : Research Proposal
Words count :
Student : Miroslav Begov
Student number : 102886096
Programme of Study : N120International Business Management
Subject Area of Proposed Study:
Cross cultural management: What are the main communication boundaries that lead western managers of International car manufacturing industries based in China, to the failure of successfully dealing with Chinese employees?
Furthermore the expatriates sent to China need some time to adapt in the country and understand the people, if the expatriate manager does not have sufficient time in order to develop the very important relationships with the personnel, it will be hard to understand and create any kind of communication style in order to survive (Bjorkamn & Schaap, 1994).
Literature review
Manager’s personal attributes and previews background can affect the effectiveness of the necessary communication being established between the Managers and the Chinese employees (Peltokorpi, V., and Schneider, S., C. 2009) Different cultural backgrounds and experiences will form dissimilar ways of social networking (Wang, X., and Kanungo, R., N. 2004). Personal traits and the personality of the managers, according to Caligiuri (2000) are very important for manager’s quality of interaction. From two studies conducted by (Harrison, Chadwick, and Scales, 1996) it has been found that expatriate managers with a characteristic of self-monitoring will adjust quicker and better than self-low monitoring. Also It is expected that the more close an individual’s norms are with the host culture, the easier will be to establish contact (Jun, S. and Gentry, J. 2005).
Misunderstandings and bad communications can lead foreign managers and employees to disagreements that most likely will cause problems, so