He made me understand the plight of struggling and provocative youths that actually live these kinds of lives. By using the knowledge I’ve gained from Jesse’s book I can fully appreciate the methods that go behind an actor’s character and how they are realized up on stage. He gave such a realistic portrayal of a torrid drug dealer with not much to lose. The nuances, both large and small, give life to Orpheus’ life, full of drugs, sex, heart-ache and
He made me understand the plight of struggling and provocative youths that actually live these kinds of lives. By using the knowledge I’ve gained from Jesse’s book I can fully appreciate the methods that go behind an actor’s character and how they are realized up on stage. He gave such a realistic portrayal of a torrid drug dealer with not much to lose. The nuances, both large and small, give life to Orpheus’ life, full of drugs, sex, heart-ache and