Department of Accounting & MIS
ACCT 303
ACL Class Test
Computer Control & Audit
Time Allowed: 45 Minutes
Semester: 052
Hands-on ACL Applications Name:_________________________ Sec: _________
Student ID#:____________
For this part of the test you will need the payroll (Payroll Transactions) and the empmast (Employee Master) Files located in the sample.acl available with the 2nd ACL assignment. 1. Open the Payroll (Payroll Trans file). Using the Join feature create a view of data from both empmast and payroll files that tests for exceptions. Extra Credit: Create a 'Remarks' Column in the joined table using Expressions to automatically highlight at least three types of exceptions (e.g.: Ghost Employees, Employees over/under-paid, Valid Employees not paid, and multiple payments to an employee). (3 Points) Do these results identify any potential fraud? reasonable explanations, if any? Which ones, and why? What are some (10 Points) …show more content…
It is located in the sample.acl document available with the educational version of ACL for Windows 8.0. The ar file is actually an invoice file that contains several related records as designated by the Trans Type