VXI International - 401(k) plan contributions Business - General Business ACC306: Intermediate Accounting II
Week 1
Required Readings
a. Chapter 12: Investments
b. Chapter 13: Current Liabilities and Contingencies
Equity Method. Complete P12-13 from Chapter 12. Post the answers to the discussion board by Day 3.
Loss Contingency and Full Disclosure. Complete Judgment Case 13-9 from Chapter 13.
1. Due by Day 7. Week 1 Exercises. Complete these problems and turn them in via the dropbox: P12-1, P12-7, P12-10, P12-14, E13-21, E13-22, and P13-6.
Week 2
Required Readings
a. Chapter 14: Bonds and Long-Term Notes
b. Chapter 15: Leases
1. 1st Posting Due by Day 3. Debt for Equity Swaps. Complete Ethics Case 14-8 from Chapter 14 and post the answers to the discussion board by Day 3.
2. 1st Posting Due by Day 3. Leasehold Improvements. Complete Ethics Case 15-4 from Chapter 15 and post the answers to the discussion board by Day 3.
1. Due by Day 7. Week 2 Exercises. Complete these problems and turn them in via the dropbox: E14-18, E14-16, P14-21, E15-25, and P15-3.
Week 3
Required Readings
a. Chapter 16: Accounting for Income Taxes
b. Chapter 17: Pensions and Other Postretirement Benefits
1. 1st Posting Due by Day 3. Accounting Changes and Error Correction. From Chapter 16 complete Integrating Case 16-5 and post the answers to the discussion board by Day 3.
2. 1st Posting Due by Day 3. 401(k) plan contributions. From Chapter 17 complete Ethics Case 17-6 and post the answers to the discussion board by Day 3.
1. Due by Day 7. Week 3 Exercises. Complete these problem...
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