Explanations for each ratio, display format, type of ratio, and what it is used for, etc. General Ratios: Horizontal Analysis (Growth Rate (GR)): (Current Year – Prior Year) / Prior Year Measures change in $ numbers for one year to another. Percentage. General Used to compare same line item to itself between periods. Note 1: Can also be used to measure change in $ from Current year to Base year: CY – BY / BY Note 2: Can also be used to measure change in calculated ratios from one period to another (ie., change in current ratio from one period to another) Used to convert any/all $ data on the income statement to percentages to facilitate comparisons. Any line item can be a numerator in the ratio, but ALL C/S I/S ratios have the SAME common denominator of Net Revenue. (Net Revenues (also called Net Sales) = 100%) Percentage. General Used to compare each line item to Net Sales for a single time period Used to convert any/all $ data on the balance sheet to percentages to facilitate comparisons. Any line item can be a numerator in the ratio, but ALL C/S B/S ratios have the common denominator of Total Assets. (Total Assets = 100%) Percentage. General Used to compare each line item to Total Assets for a single time period Note: RC uses “Total Liab. + Total S/E” as the denominator when calculating the common-size ratios for liability and equity accounts. This is exactly the same total as “Total Assets” For several of the following ratios, either the numerator or the denominator use the “average” for the account specified in the formula. To get the “average” for any account, you add the beginning balance + the ending balance and divide by 2. This creates a “period of time” number for what is actually a “point in time” account.
Vertical Analysis (Common-size Income Stmt.): Income Statement line item / Net Revenues
Vertical Analysis (Common-size Balance Sheet): Balance Sheet line item / Total Assets