Chapter 4: Leadership, management and supervision
Chapter learning objectives
Upon completion of this chapter you will be able to: * define the term leadership * define the term management * define the term supervision * explain the difference between a leader and a manager * distinguish between the role of the manager and the role of a supervisor * explain the classical approach to management using theories of Fayol and Taylor * explain the main duties of a manager according to Fayol * outline the relevance of classical approach to modern data practices * explain the nature of the human relations school – Mayo * describe the modern school of management with reference to the theories of Mintzberg and Drucker * describe the three managerial roles as per work of H Mintzberg * explain what is meant by authority * explain what is meant by the term responsibility * identify the main sources of authority * explain the relationship between authority and responsibility * explain the situational approach to leadership using Adair's theory * explain the contingency approach using Fiedler's leadership theory * explain the differences between transactional and transformational leadership referring to the Bennis theory * describe the phases of the change process referring to Kotter theory * explain the Heifetz leadership theory * explain the five scores on the Blake and Mouton managerial grid * outline the usefulness of the Blake and Mouton grid * describe the four leadership styles as per Ashridge.
1 Introduction
1.1 Leadership Abasic definition of a leader is 'someone who exercises influence overother people'. This can be expanded into a more complex definition:'Leadership is an interpersonal influence directed toward theachievement of a goal or goals'. * Interpersonal – between people. * Influence – the power to