Problem Statement: How does the height of a ramp that is comprised of two parallel rulers affect the speed of a steel ball bearing rolling down it?
Hypothesis: If the steepness of the ramp based on the amount of books propping it up are increased, then the steel ball bearings' speed will increase.
2 wooden meter sticks
1 steel ball bearing
5 workbooks
A roll of masking tape
A stopwatch
A smooth, long surface (preferably a table)
Arrange the apparatus as shown in the drawing, making sure that the meter sticks are parallel, and that they both an equal height. Make the ramp by taping two meter sticks together so they for a ramp that allows the steel ball roll down the ramp. When adding more workbooks, make sure to use the same point on the meter stick as the start of your ramp. …show more content…
Find the average final velocity. Start with a ramp height of two workbooks. Release the steel ball from your chosen release point. When the ball leaves the end of the meter sticks, start the timer. When the ball reaches the 30 centimeter mark, stop the timer. Repeat for 5 trials for each height. If there is an error in the trial, do not use that trial, and redo that attempt. Enter all data in data table 1, then calculate the average final velocities.
Find the average acceleration. Start with a ramp height of two workbooks. Release the steel ball from your chosen release point. Start the timer when the ball is released, and when the ball reaches the end of the meter sticks, stop the timer. Repeat for 5 trials for each height. If there is an error in the trial, do not use that trial, and start that trial over again. Enter all of the data in table 2, and then calculate the average