dayarrives and I am standing in front of u delivering my views and most importantly, myacceptance. As I look to the many curious and staring eyes on me, I believe the comingyear will bring more sleepless nights.I’d like to take a moment to thank them, without whom, I can confidently say I wouldnot be here today. That’s my family, pause, each of them have and will be playing a verysignificant role in my RCCP life and especially my presence here, in front of you couldnot have happened without their backing.I would also like to extend my gratitude to the eminent _______ board for having chosenme or probably lets put it this way for having cornered (sneer) me as
, whobelieved in me to head the team of ________.Friends, it is an absolute honor and privilege to stand before you on this graceful occasionand utter the most a waited words “
Yes, I accept to be the President of ______________ for the year __________”
. But a single head achieves nothing, so I amcounting on your support to achieve the growth and goals I have dreamt for the _______ Baby. This is truly a moment to be honored and cherished. I accept this appointment withpride and will give my best efforts to make you proud to have selected me. With grace of God and the cooperation of fellow members, I will devote my time and myself to theobligations and the duties of this post.There’s an old saying,
“Do not pray for tasks equal to ur powers; pray for powersequal to ur tasks”
. And the newborn is already facing expectations beyond belief.At the end of the year _______, it is my dream and prayer that we will have transformedthese possibilities and opportunities into stories of success and triumph.So again thanks for selecting me and thanks for all your guidance as we drive our newclub from here and letting you see the great things we do with it