
Accepting The Monster In Mary Shelley's Frankenstein

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Accepting The Monster In Mary Shelley's Frankenstein
Have you ever felt judged or as if no one wanted to accept you? Well, then you may share some similarities with the monster in Frankenstein. Throughout the novel the monster searches for someone to accept him. However, the people in the novel cannot see past the monsters looks. I think this can teach us that we live in a world where looks and appearance will always dominate a person’s opinion. We rely on visuals too much and do not even bother to look deeper into a person if their appearance does not please us. In my opinion, what makes a person who they truly are is their character and personality.
While reading parts of the novel and seeing the film it is clear that the monster encounters troubles almost everywhere he goes. Why? It is because
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There is a scene where the monster comes across an old blind man in the dense forest. The monster stumbles into the blind mans small rackety cabin and is welcomed with open arms. Due to the fact that the man cannot see, he is not quick to judge the monster. He cannot see the monster’s grotesque face and large build that would scare the living day lights out of any seeing man. The old man welcomes the monster like anyone would welcome a new guest. He feeds the monster and takes care of him. The old man teaches the monster to turn his mumbles and moans into words. The two help each other out and become friends, basing their friendship off of each other’s personalities. I believe this shows us that it does not matter what you look like, what counts is who you are as a person.
I believe that the relationship between the old man and the monster is a good example of how people should look at one another. When we meet someone we should not be quick to judge him or her. We should be open to learn more about them and find out what kind of person they truly are. Everyone has experienced rejection or judgment in some way in his or her life before, including

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