School Leavers
The Access course for School Leavers is a course specifically designed for students who have a real desire to study at third level, but are unable due to financial and social reasons. This scheme facilitates school-leavers from all schools in the Border, Midland and Western region and Co. Clare.
The course is designed for:
This course targets those students who have the ability to benefit from and succeed in higher education but who, for a variety of social and economic reasons, are underrepresented at third level. Students should be highly motivated and interested in studying at undergraduate level in their chosen area.
The kind of socio-economic reasons that are considered * Long-term unemployment * Low family income * Little or no family tradition of progression onto higher education * Limited study facilities at home * Family stresses (particularly those related to family finance)
This programme is also suitable for students with disabilities, whose background education has been affected by long-term absenteeism due to their illness.
The standard of Leaving Certificate required
Students will normally have a minimum of 2C (higher level) and 4 (ordinary level) grades to demonstrate their ability to manage academically. Students cannot always be guaranteed entry at this level. Students who have completed a post-leaving certificate course of study are eligible.
There is a special application form available in your school or can be downloaded from the Access website Completed applications must be returned to the Access Office after the Leaving Certificate results are published.
The application form includes a personal statement and financial documents will be required in support of the application. Interviews will be held for this course.
CAO Application
Students are strongly advised to make an application through the