Dept Electronics and Communication Engineering
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Accident Prevention System for Automobiles
Dept Electronics and Communication Engineering
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Accident Prevention System for Automobiles
The population of our country has been increasing rapidly which indirectly increases the vehicle density and leads to many road accidents. The aim of the project in to minimize the road accidents which causes the loss of invaluable human life and other valuable goods. Beside, the provision for the safety of the vehicle is also provided to avoid the theft action. In this fast moving world, new technologies have been evolved for every second for our human life style improvement. There have enormous advancement in automobile technologies already and still to come. Because of these technologies, now we are enjoying the necessary comfort-ness and safety. But there is lot of accidents happening now-a-days. It is because of increased vehicle density, violating rules and carelessness. The embedded technology is used to prevent accidents due to drunk driving, using mobile phones while driving etc,.. If accidents occurs in remote areas, the feature of auto-providing the accident area to the emergency centers for help and support is also provided. On the other hand, the security for the vehicle is also enhanced. This is made possible because the theft vehicle area can be known to the user and the vehicle fuel can be cut off and center lock is enabled. By using these concepts, we hope that the road accidents due to violating rules and carelessness will be minimized and this will be one of the project required for now-a-days and with the significance of low cost.
1.1 Literature of Survey
The Basics, Working and Pin Configuration of 8051 Micro Controller studied by
“The 8051 Micro Controller by Ayala”.
Bibliography: (2010) Language: English ISBN 978-1-56020-256-8.