After getting arrested, he was able to escape death by giving Benardo Guadagni a bribe of a thousand ducats. This led to Cosimo retreating to Tuscany outskirts but later returned after a new government was formed that favoured him. It enabled him to control Florence by using his massive power and wealth. After his return, Cosimo embarked on a tax reform policy that was unfavourable to the upper class in the society but favoured the middle and lower classes. He was therefore hated by the super rich whereas the poor and middle class embraced his policies. The middle and poor class loved Cosimo by his selfless in increasing taxation proceeds by even using his own money. Cosimo is credited with bringing culture in the city of Florence. He attracted Greek scholars interests by reviving classical studies. He founded the famous Platonic Academy that focussed on Plato’s philosophies. His patronage became popular in the fields of education, painting, and architecture. His support was widely appreciated by sculptors that lived during his time including …show more content…
Previously, civil conflicts and wars that spanned centuries affected life in the Peninsula during the fourteenth century. The period, therefore, led to the emergence of tyrants in all parts of Italy. However, Cosimo De Medici was not a war oriented leader. He was more of a peaceful leader who was contented with the territories of Florence and thus saw no need of expanding them. His family was deeply rooted in the banking business and had other interests across Florence. Therefore, De Medici viewed war as a bad thing in their trade operations. The elder did everything he could to maintain peace in Nothern Italy. He was influential in establishing power balance in regions between significant powers and excluded Roman and French powers from any provoking. Cosimo is credited with leading negotiations that was to bring an end to Lombardy wars which enabled all warring facts not to invade into other kingdom’s territorial integrity. Also, Cosimo followed policies left by his grandfather in his quest for maintenance of a power balance in Italy. He went on to negotiate the Lodi treaty that ensured stability in central and north