When I see how they removed religion or anything related to the bible in the school system or most places we go, sometimes I wonder if that has anything to do with that. I worked in a place (mental health community center) where I witnessed a therapist losing her job due to talking to a client about God, her faith and beliefs. I know it is unethical; however, I do believe that people needs to know that there is hope, need to have faith, something/someone to believe in. Roelkepartain, P.E. (2006). The Handbook of Spiritual Development in Childhood and Adolescence
Thousand Oaks CA: Sage Publications Inc.
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Set Flag 3 months ago Jennifer Kiblinger
RE: Empirically-Based Theories
Many years ago, I worked at a mission as a counselor for their summer program that reached out to the inner city kids. Obviously, it was a Christian based ministry and were required to share the Gospel with the children. It was so fascinating to see how hungry they were to receive the word. Many of them came from broken homes and parents that abused drugs and cared very little for them. Those eight hours a day I got with those kids made as much of an impact on me as it did them.
I think that knowing that someone loved them and prayed for them really gave them hope for a different future than what their parents were showing them. These kids were like infants when it came to knowledge about God and Jesus which was totally suprising to me as I had grown up in church. For some, I'm sure it had