Since leading companies have subsidiaries in all important market regions, globalization has changed record keeping. Globalization is operating and investing, but also financing (Gebhardt, 2000). The home base of most global investors is the United States, and hence, one of the major sets of standards for accounting is the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) (Nolke, 2005). However, some countries cannot interpret this format, or they are following the International Financing Reporting Standards (IFRS), the second major global standard (Nolke, 2005). Because accounting reports are a means of internal communication between managers and employees all over the world stage, it would follow, as a matter of sense, that the language of this reporting should be homogeneous and convergent. Accounting influences goals and performance, both in the capital market settings, and in supranational organizations (Gebhardt, 2000). Furthermore, accounting creates social distinctions and a cross-boarder flow of more than capital (Nolke, 2005). The movement of people and the mixing of cultures are also calculated in accounting practices (Gebhardt, 2000). One is able to study how social technologies operate in contemporary societies and to examine certain
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