Tiffany Toro
June 9, 2014
Wayne Moore
Accounting Memo
This accounting memo was certainly meant to only be seen by peers; the terminology is colloquial and informal. The first problem with the memo is the addressee is not addressed correctly; instead of “Accounting Team Mate”, the individual (s) should be addressed by name and title. As well instead of “subject” it should state “re:” The individual should not be addressed again when commencing to develop the actual memo.
A shorter memo should have been developed instead of providing defintions and examples of things that were needed. If a meeting was going to happen in regards to the memo, the task at hand is the only thing that should be discussed. Once the meeting occurred examples and other information could be provided to all those in attendance. As well the memo should not start off with “We need to get together later on this week” but instead it should be clear the date, time and location for the meeting. A brief description of what is needed and who needs it is necessary but the reason for the task is not needed; if the memo comes across the wrong hands unnecessary information can be passed on to staff that do not need to be aware of the situation at time. In this situation the company may be experiencing some financial issues and seeing this memo can cause unnecessary panic among staff if seen by the wrong individual. If a brief description is provided all addressees can work on getting the information together to present at the meeting.
The last three paragraphs are unnecessary in memo form because those are things to discuss at a meeting. Let the individuals get their brains working and come up with reasons either side should be chosen. In the meeting you can discuss the repercussions of choosing either and how choosing either will affect the company. In the meeting you can as well discuss what other companies have used each choice and how their choice