The Bachelor of Science in Accountancy is one of the hardest courses in National College of Science and Technology (NCST). But, there are many high school graduate student took this course because there is the opportunity for them to have a good job after they graduated. But, researchers know that this course has a board examination that the 3rd year and 4th year must prepare themselves before taking this exam, so that there would be a chance for them to become Certified Public Accountant (CPA).
Because of the forthcoming graduation of the 3rd year and 4th year, researcher chose them to become their respondents.
The researcher, 1st year Accounting Student made a research about some factors of motivation and distraction that affect the performance of the students.
Motivation and effort significantly influence individual performance in college as the review of prior research below indicates, few studies have investigated their impact on accounting student.
The objective of the study is predicated on the assumption that identification of some factors that motivate students to perform well and some factors that distract them from performing well, may help us to emphasize the motivation factors and de-emphasize the distraction factors.
Some motivation factors are family or parents, family problem, love life/crushes, high grades, allowances, ect. And some distraction factors are financial, other curricular activities, other issues in life, ect.
Statement of the Problem:
The general purpose of this study is to fine out the motivation and distraction factors that affect the student performance.
The study specifically aims to answer the following questions:
Descriptive type:
What Is Student Motivation?
What is student Distraction?
Quantified (numerical) data:
What is your highest grades in your major subject?______
What is your average last semester? _____ Degree of judgment:
What motivation factor that influences you to
Bibliography: Barbara Gross Davis, Tools for Teaching, Jossey-Bass, 1993.