ACCT 90004 Accounting for Decision Making
Brad Potter
Room 7.064, 198 Berkeley Street
Tel: 8344 4989 1
Subject Overview
• This subject provides a broad introduction to the accounting process, accounting information systems and the language of accounting.
• It is designed to enable you to become an informed preparer and user of accounting information.
• Successfully completing this subject will also assist you to understand and use accounting information to enhance financial and managerial decision making. •
Accounting for Decision Making is a foundation subject for many students who will pursue more advanced studies in accounting across various programs, and a stand-alone program for those students who will specialise in other areas.
Subject Overview
Subject Aims
• This subject is designed to enable students to be informed users of accounting information of all types.
• It is divided into three parts:
(1) Basic concepts in accounting and the terminology used by accountants;
(2) Concepts associated with the financial reports; and
(3) Concepts associated with information for managers within the firm.
Subject Overview
• Accounting for Decision Making
– At the completion of this subject, you also should be able to:
• Identify instances in which those preparing accounting reports may choose between alternative accounting policies and outline the economic consequences associated with those choices;
• In light of the above, analyse financial information produced in specific settings and understand the potential implications of that information for a range decision making contexts.
Subject Overview (cont.)
• Features
– To help us in meeting our aims ADM includes the following features:
• Reference to many practical examples throughout the semester; • Regular