During the pharyngeal stage of swallowing, it was observed that the patient exhibits reduced hyoid elevation, reduced airway protection, and reduced passive movement of the epiglottis. The patient had a total of three swallows. It was observed during the first swallow that there was a delayed timing of laryngeal elevation. The delayed timing of laryngeal elevation also caused a delay in epiglottic movement. In a typical swallow, the epiglottis folds down to protect the airway. However, the epiglottis did not fold down completely when the patient completed the second swallow. It was also observed that…
2. Name the superficial “kite-shaped” muscle of the back that spans from the nuchal line of the occipital bone to vertebra T12.Trapezius…
* Pivot joint in the neck help the head to turn from side to side.…
A - The patient is in orthopneic position, with hoarse voice, no pain reported. Vital signs…
Obvious physical deformities: None noted 7. Mobility:…
HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: The patient is an elderly mail who fell 4 days prior to admission. He noted immediate pain and swelling in the area just below his left elbow. He was presented to the emergency room for treatment.…
GENERAL: The patient is a well-developed, well-nourished male who appears to be in moderate distress with pain and swelling in the upper left arm. Vital signs: Blood pressure 140/90, temperature 98.3 degrees Fahrenheit, pulse 97, respiration 18.…
. Over the time covered here, did Hewlett-Packards board of directors fulfill its duties to the company’s share owners? Explain how it met or did not meet basic duties.…
The price per megabyte of disk storage has gone done 40% per year from 1980-1995. Seagate believes that in order to stay competitive they must aggressively enhance product offerings and reduce prices. They also believe that in addition to that, they need to provide timely introductions and reduce production costs. However, the surging global demand in this industry is causing some facilities to run at full capacity very frequently, so Seagate needs to tailor its manufacturing strategy for these new products they’re trying to introduce to be based on high-volume and low-cost assembly and test. They are committed to lowering manufacturing costs and increasing volume production, and this is especially important given the short product life cycle in this industry. Given the projected future demand of their newest Cheetah and Barracuda models they need to decide how to structure the assembly and test facilities for each, expecting 300,000 units of each in demand in about a year, but that comes with high demand uncertainty.…
The neck is extended forward over the thorax shifting the weight of the head from 32lb to 42lb. This has an affect of the body's natural centre of gravity, moving it up higher into the pelvis which has been extended into a anterior position. The body will tilt forward and drawing the centre of gravity anteriorly.…
4. Palpation: no pain or tenderness reported with light and deep palpation; liver, spleen and both kidneys non palpable. Aortic impulse is slightly left of midline with an anterior pulsation; femoral pulses are equal and strong bilaterally; inguinal nodes are non-palpable. No guarding noted.…
A well-developed, well-nourished female no acute distress seated comfortably in the exam room. She has good eye contact. Answers questions appropriately. Alert and oriented. Very pleasant.…
General appearing- Healthy appearing adult female in no acute distress. Alert and oriented, answers questions appropriately…
Plain CT scan of brain was performed. Exam was studied with 1.25 mm thick section at 1.25mm intervals. All these are parallel to orbito-meatal line.…
How can Nokia maintain its market share on 37.8% in a maturing industry in the next three years?…