History Of Achaemenidae
First Era of Persia
Persia are also of Aryan race people whose time of migration to Iran is not known. According to statements of Assyrian kings the Persia like the Medians have been under ruling of assyria for a long time as well. One of Assyrian kings, ruling during the 9th century (B.C.) boasted that he had made obedient about 27 Persia kings, and it is well-known that at the era of Sar Gon Shalm Nasar, the king of Assyra, was ruler from 731 to 713 B.C., and also at the time of Assyra Hiddin , the Persia Kings had been ruled as satellite of Assyra. After that, Persia released from yoke of Assyra and followed the Medes. It means that Achaemenid rulers, who had power here, were satellite of Medes. Herodot states: Persia have divided into 6 urban and rural residential groups and 14 tribal groups, and Achaemenid family is counted one of the most noble clan means Pasargadees clan. First Daryoush on Biston inscription says: I am the 9th king of Achaemenidian dynasty. According to the Herodot writings and documents obtained the pedigree of Great Cyrus and sequence of Achaemenidea kings up to Daryoush is as follows:
Achaemenidae About 730 B.C.
1-Cheish Pash
4-Chish Pash
Anzali branch Persia branch
5-Cyrus Arya Ramn
6-Kamboujieh Arsham (Arsam)
7-The Great Cyrus Wishtasp
8-Kamboujieh First Daryoush
In accordance with this table, Daryoush is the 9th king of the Achaemenidian dynasty, and inscriptions of Second and Third Ardeshir confirm this point, since Wishtasp and Arsam are not understood as of them. But what events had been occurred that Persia captured Ilam, and as a consequent a branch of Achaemenidan dynasty was established there is obscured.