There are different factors of why the achievement gap exist, factors like racism, school funding, low-income family, structures and practices of the school system, family situations and support, and different culturals. Another reason is that not all students learn in the same ways and at different speeds. Some students need a longer period of time, more support, and differentiated instructional techniques in order to reach high standards. There are studies that show that children who go to Pre-School do better in Kindergarten and their behavior is better in school. When children begin school later, they …show more content…
tend to fall further behind. Rice University did a study that disadvantaged children hear about 30 million fewer words by age 3 than children that come from wealthier homes with two parents. Disadvantaged children also hear fewer words if they come from single parents whose own school experiences were not that great. The word gap can also lead to the achievement gap.
A way to attempt to close the gap is by examining the school or school district.
You can start identifying the different strategies for the school to use for closing the achievement gap. As you think about new strategies, keep in mind, which strategies there are already, what resources are needed for the strategies, and what actions are needed to take. Teachers can help close the gap by identifying students who need additional support in class. The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 is also helping to close the gap. With the different test the school can see where each student needs help and can give them more support in a certain
In the future I can see the achievement gap getting smaller and eventually closing. I feel like more and more children are going to pre-school or daycare before kindergarten. So more children have more experience before elementary school. I think that more schools are really trying to help children who come from poor or different race backgrounds. I think that teachers are trying to treat each student equally. Schools also give test for the No Child Left Behind Act to help students with different areas. I think that the gap will close but it will take a lot of time for that to happen.