Lesson - -08
Enterprise Systems
• Around the global, companies are increasingly becoming more connected, both internally and with other companies. • Enterprise systems provide the integration to make this possible. • Enterprise systems, or enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems, integrate the key internal business processes of a firm into a single software system
Enterprise software
• It is based on a suite of integrated software modules and a common central database. • When new information is entered by one process, the information is made available immediately to other business processes. • Enterprise software is built around thousands of redefined business processes that reflect best practices.
How enterprise systems works
Business value of Enterprise systems
• Increase operational efficiency. • Immediate response to customer’s request • Use analytical tools to evaluate a firm's overall performance • Use standard definitions, formats, and performance figures across the organization
Supply Chain Management Systems
• Supply chain management refers to the coordination of activities and involved in making and moving a product. • The supply chain is the network of businesses and business processes involved the creation and selling of a product, from suppliers that procure raw materials through retail outlets and customers. • The upstream portion of the supply chain includes the organization's suppliers and the processes for managing relationships with them. • The downstream portion consists of the organizations and processes for distributing and delivering products to the final customers.
Sample supply chain systems
Classification of Supply chain software
• Supply chain planning systems: Systems which enable the firm to generate demand forecasts for a product, develop sourcing and manufacturing plans for that product, make adjustments to