Cash Flow Statement Disclosures in Pharmaceutical Companies: Bangladesh Perspective
Mst. Joynab Siddiqua* Mohd. Takdir Hossan* Abstract
Cash flow statement is a vital part of the financial statements. Preparation of cash flow statement is required as per Companies Act 1994 and the public limited companies enlisted with stock exchange are to prepare this statement as per other statutory laws and regulations. The acceptance of International Accounting Standard- 7: Cash Flow Statement has added a new dimension to the preparation and presentation of financial statements in Bangladesh. The companies are now preparing this statement as an integral part of their financial statements. This paper examines empirically the current practices followed by sample companies in preparation of cash flow statement and concludes that the sample companies are in line (with few exceptions) with the requirements of International Accounting Standard (IAS)-7 or Bangladesh Accounting Standard (BAS)-7. It also proposes some suggestions for improving the presentation of the statement
Key words: Cash flow statement, IAS/BAS, Listed Company, Disclosure.
The purpose of a cash flow statement is to provide information on the cash flow from a company’s operating, investing and financing activities to enable the users of its financial statements to evaluate the ability of the company to generate cash and to use the historic cash flows to predict future cash flows. The cash flow information enhances the comparability of the operating performance by various companies, because it eliminates the effects that arise from the use of different accounting treatments for the same transactions and events. The use of cash flow information is gaining importance in the analysis of financial statements (Epstein 1991; Yap 1997; Jones and Widjaja 1998; Previts and Bricker 1994). Cashflow information is considered less open to manipulation than
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