What is Acne or Pimples ?
Acne (also known as Pimples) is a skin problem that affects almost all teenagers. The condition results from the action of hormones on the skin's oil glands (sebaceous glands). The sebaceous glands make an oily substance called sebum that empties onto the skin surface through the hair follicle opening (pore). The mixture of oil and cells allows bacteria that normally live on the skin to grow in the follicle openings. When this happens, pores become clogged and pimples develop.
In most cases, pimples occur on the face, neck, back, chest, and shoulders. Acne does not present a serious health risk, but severe acne can result in permanent scarring. In addition, acne can have significant …show more content…
Acne can appear as one of the following: • Whiteheads: White dots that are pores impacted with oil and skin covered by skin layers. • Blackheads: Black bumps that are impacted pores in which material pushes out through the follicles. The black color is not from dirt. It may be from bacteria and matter that react with oxygen. • Papules, Pustules or Nodules: More serious lesions appearing red and swollen due to inflammation or infection of the tissue around the clogged follicles, which are often painful and feel hard. • Cysts: Deep, painful, pus-filled lesions that can cause scarring.
Acne Prevention Tips
Here are tips that may help control acne. • Don't over wash or use harsh scrubs. Remember, acne is not caused by dirt. Two gentle washings a day is sufficient. Too much cleaning can leave skin irritated and dry, triggering glands to produce more oil, increasing the likelihood of pimples. • Use oil-free or non-comedogenic products (those that won't clog pores) on your …show more content…
The oil helps keep skin healthy and hydrated. Most people with oily skin tend to over wash their face using harsh products to get rid of the excess oil, this makes your skin produce more oil as it feels the skin does not have enough moisture to protect it.
Remedies for Oily Skin
Use a gentle cleanser every morning and apply oil free moisturizer or sunscreen SPF 15 or above. No matter what colour your skin is Sunscreen is really important. In warm climates when you sweat more and need to wash your face often, use plain water. Reapply the sunscreen before you go out in the sun.
Every evening before you go to bed, cleanse your face again with a gentle cleanser and apply an oil free moisturizer. Try using moisturizers containing AHA (alpha hydroxyl acid) as this helps with production of collagen and helps the skin retain moisture.
Once a week apply a Clay Mask or Mud Mask on your face. Most experts believe that clay and mud masks can temporarily pull oil from the pores and shrinks the pores. There are also specific products for Oily Skin treatment.
If all the above symptoms still persists, go see a dermatologist or your doctor who will be able to prescribe topical creams that can help by reducing the amount of oil on the skin