Coupons are available online, decreasing costs up to five dollars 8. Sales usually occur monthly within each store, dropping the price down to $15 v. Can be purchased at any store that sells face products 9. Stores include at a minimum: Wal-Mart, Target, King Soopers, and Walgreens 10. Can also be purchased online at any stores previously mentioned and on with an additional shipping and handling fee c. Ingredients and Products vi. 2.5% Benzoyl Peroxide is present in all three products sold in the kit 11. Benzoyl Peroxide is an organic compound in the peroxide family. a. Clears skin by killing bacteria that causes acne b. Reduces oil production in oily skin c. Releases oxygen into pores d. Will dye fabrics, because it is also used as a whitening agent in other products 12. Cleanser e. Milky and white f. No …show more content…
Doesn’t remove makeup by itself, but requires user to remove makeup prior to washing 19. Cleansing twice or three times is required in order to feel a clean sensation viii. Clears acne pimples within two weeks of use 20. Most pimples dry up after two weeks, but then come back worse after 21. Red spots become more noticeable ix. Dry and tight 22. Use of daytime and nighttime moisturizers are required due to increased dryness of skin when using all products 23. Use of eye cream is required due to increased dryness around eyes 24. Makes skin become patchy 25. Makes skin irritated due to over dryness e. Cost x. Costs between 15-$20 depending on whether there is a sale 26. Coupons are available online, decreasing costs up to five dollars 27. Sales usually occur monthly within each store, dropping the price down to $15 xi. Can be purchased at any store that sells face