Lesson 3.5: Acquisition Logistics: Fundamentals
Acquisition Logistics is a multi-functional technical management discipline associated with the design, development, testing, production, fielding, sustainment, and improvement/modification of cost-effective systems that achieve the user's peacetime and wartime readiness capability needs. To ensure that new systems are adequately supported, acquisition logisticians ensure that the system is designed for supportability, or consider supportability as a selection criteria for off-theshelf purchases. They also design the support infrastructure, and make sure that all the necessary support structure is in place when the system is fielded.
Supportability is the degree to which system design characteristics and planned logistics resources meet system peacetime readiness and wartime utilization requirements.
System Cost Over Time
As indicated in the chart below, more than 60 percent of the life cycle cost of a system occurs during the operations and support and disposal phases of the system life cycle. The decisions which have the most impact on the operations and support costs are made early during system design and development. Therefore, it is essential that supportability be a key element during these decisions.
Feb 2013
Minimizing Support Costs
Support costs can be reduced by using:
Supportability considerations to address the upfront design process as a part of the overall Systems Engineering effort.
Systems engineering practices to improve reliability, availability, and maintainability.
Integrated Product and Process Development (IPPD).
Actions to reduce support costs should be taken early in the acquisition life cycle.
Life Cycle Cost
Life cycle cost (LCC) includes the cost to develop, acquire, maintain, and dispose of a weapon system over its entire life. LCC includes system:
Research, development, test, and evaluation
Investment (procurement)
Operations and