greed that slavery was taking it’s place. That’s where human decency came into mind. Men were becoming heartless and were compared to the Romans. Though, freedom was not allowed for African Americans, it was more free than several hundred years back. The Student Model includes two important historical figures who had great perspectives on what slavery was for them and where their head’s were at when freedom was brought in the conversation. Frederick Douglass was a former slave, and Abraham Lincoln was not our president at the time, but he gave an overwhelming speech that changed the mindset of many people. As a slave, Douglass was desperate for a chance to be free and white people took that for granted. That’s where Lincoln’s speech came in, he declared that “ it will all become one thing or all the other”. Because he did prove a good point, the government can’t endure being half abolitionist and half slave owners permanently. Frederick Douglass was born into slavery around 1818, and as a kid his thoughts on freedom were that his chances for an opportunity to be released were very rare.So due to a country that was suppose to be free, how can they contradict their own constitution ?
This impacted every African Americans life, and it lead to the division of the nation.
That’s maybe the reason why people abolitionist, because they felt betrayed that their own country would punish innocent people. And because the government could not make a decision, the Civil war did for them. The war did not only change one thing, it changed everything. Although much controversy occurred, at last there was something to put the conflict to an end. Many americans redefined their beliefs after they realized how much freedom was actually worth. One of our father’s recognized the issued and tried impacting the situation before any other country was divided. Most importantly, if it was not for slavery and the Civil War, what would freedom be defined as today ? Everything happens for a reason, the point is to learn from it. So the purpose of the Civil War was to impact Americans Ideas about freedom and defeated the evils of