Laura Thibeault
Ms. Schaak
A.P Lang & Comp
29 April 2015
Act Two Pygmalion Questions
1. When Higgins recognizes the flower girl, what is his reaction?
Higgins recognizes Eliza with disappointment and his reacts as if he will refuse to spend any time on the flower girl.
2. Even after he agrees to teach her, what is Higgins' attitude towards Eliza?
Higgins still treats Eliza like she is nothing and worthless.
3. Describe Mrs. Pearce's role.
Mrs. Pearce is Higgins housekeeper.
4. Eliza determines to leave rather than to be further insulted. How does Higgins persuade her to stay?
Higgins begins to talk to Eliza like he’ll actually teach her and he also gives her a handkerchief and teaches her how to use it.
5. What is the point of the bath scene?
During this time people didn’t bathe every day and because of how poor Eliza was she was in dire need of a bath.
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6. Mrs. Pearce makes some suggestions to Higgins. What are they?
Mrs. Pearce tells Higgins to not walk all over people and treat them like that and to be reasonable to this young girl. Mrs. Pearce suggests him to speak to the lady with respect and to not be so wicked.
7. Doolittle says, "I'm undeserving, and I mean to go on being undeserving.” Why does he not want to better himself?
Doolittle does not want to better himself because he can’t, he doesn’t have the money.
8. Why does Doolittle want only five pounds instead of the ten he is offered?
Doolittle lowers the price to make it more reasonable.
9. How does the playwright describe Higgins at the opening of Act II?
Higgins is described as a proud individual who is in a high in society.
10 Why has Eliza come, and why is she righteously indignant?
Eliza has come to be formally educated in order to get a job. Eliza is indignant because
Higgins has treated her as if she’s worthless since she came to him.
11. In the dialogue, what reaction does each character make concerning Liza?