Dian Sri Hermayani1, Don Narius2
Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
FBS Universitas Negeri Padang
Artikel ini menjelaskan tentang pengajaran Action Verbs melalui teknik Collocation Practice yang diperuntukkan bagi siswa tingkat pertama Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP). Collocation
Practice merupakann sebuah teknik pengajaran yang menggabungkan potongan- potongan Action Verbs dibantu dengan Noun dan
Adjective, yang nantinya teknik ini bisa dilakukan secara individu maupun berkelompok di kelas. Teknik Collocation Practice ini merupakan teknik pengajaran pengajaran yang memotivasi dan membantu siswa dalam memahami Action Verbs. Siswa akan lebih aktif dalam kegiatan pembelajaran dan merespon dengan baik materi yang diajarkan oleh guru di kelas.
Keywords: Action Verbs, Collocation Practice, Junior High School Students
A. Introduction
he students should learn about many basic skills in learning English that included in four skills: Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing. The students can learn to master it every step by step according to their own grade. In the first grade of Junior High School, the students must be introduced to some basic topics of grammar. One of them is a verb that belongs in part of speech. Verb can be taught in action verb. Action Verbs is one of the basic categories catego of verb in English grammar.
Action verbs are basic for students to make simple sentences. Action verbs are verbs that specifically describe what the subject of the sentence is doing. The power of the action verb lies in the meaning and intention that they contain and how they bring bring direction and force to the sentence.
Understanding the types of action verbs will make students better writers and communicators. There are several types of action verbs that separated based on their function. Both of them are:
1. Verbs
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