
Activation-Synthesis Hypothesis: My Theory Of Dreams

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Activation-Synthesis Hypothesis: My Theory Of Dreams
Emma Smith

Unit 3: Writing Assignment

Activation-synthesis hypothesis suggests a dream is merely another kind of thinking that occurs when people sleep. This theory explains that dreams are less realistic because they come not from the outside world of reality, but from within a person’s memories and experiences of the past. Freud’s Interpretation is a theory suggesting dreams are a wish fulfillment. Like activation-synthesis hypothesis, Freud’s Interpretation explains that dreams are formed by a person’s past. This theory also focuses on the idea that conflicts, events and desires of the past would be represented in symbolic forms in the dreams which is described through manifest content; the actual dream itself, and latent content; hidden or symbolic meaning of the dream. My theory of dreams corresponds with the activation-synthesis hypothesis because I agree with the idea that our dreams come from our past memories and experiences, but are not necessarily realistic.

Physical and psychological dependence refer to the hold that a substance or behavior has on a person’s mind or body. Physical dependence causes the body to crave
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Skinner was able to extinguish a behavior through consequences. In order for extinction to take place, Skinner showed that behaviors resulting in unpleasant outcomes tend to be weakened through either positive or negative reinforcement which can decrease the desire to reenact the same behavior. Extinction in classical conditioning is a process where the conditioned stimulus is repeatedly presented in the absence of the unconditioned stimulus, causing the conditioned response to “die out”. Extinction in operant conditioning can occur when a positive or negative punishment is used to end the

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