An Invitation: Readers are encouraged to send details of their own favourite references for adding to the list to me at: Thanks. Readers new to the topic may find it helpful to start with the references marked with a *.
Angelo, T.A. and Cross, P.A. 1993. Classroom assessment techniques (San Francisco: Jossey Bass). 2nd Edit.
Backx, C (2008)*The use of a case study approach to teaching and group work to promote autonomous learning, transferable skills and attendance, Practice and Evidence of Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education 3 (1), 68-83 (
* Barr, R.B. and Tagg, J. 1995. From teaching to learning – a new paradigm for undergraduate education, Change 27(6) (November/December), 13-25.
Barrett, T., Mac Labhrainn, I. and Fallon H (Eds) 2005. Handbook of enquiry and problem-based Learning: Irish case studies and international perspectives, Center for Excellence in Learning and teaching, NUI Galway and All Ireland Society for Higher Education (AISHE), Dublin
Bergman, J. and Sams, A. (2012) Flip your classroom. International Society for Technology in Education, USA.
Biggs, J. 2003. Teaching for quality learning, Buckingham: Society for Research into Higher Education and Open University Press (2nd edition).
Blythe, T. and Associates 1998. The teaching for understanding guide. San Francisco: Jossey Bass.
Bolander, K. 2000. Student centred learning. Glasgow: Teaching and Learning Service, University of Glasgow. Available at:
Bonwell, C. and Eison, J. 1991. Active learning: creating excitement in the classroom (ASHE-ERIC Higher Education Report No. 1). Washington, DC: George Washington University.
Boud, D. and Feletti, G. (eds) (1997) The challenge of problem based learning. 2nd edn. London: Kogan Page.
Bradbeer, J. 1999. Barriers to