first. To help do this you must follow their care plan. Within their care plan it should state their…
fewer patient requests for assistance. Such support results in patients who feel a greater sense of…
The main question the research seems to be asking is whether or not the intervention of phone calls and oral and written self-care measures for specific side effects will use more self-care measures and have higher effectiveness scores a measured by the ESCQ after treatment, than those who only receive standard care,…
Agreed ways are a set of rules, regulations, policies and procedures set out by the company which are kept in the office and are always available to be accessed. Care plans, policies and procedures always have to be followed and necessary precautions have to be taken. Before using any kind of methods to manage pain, the resident/service user needs to be assessed has every kind of pain relief can be potentially harmful. Care plans are made individually for a specific person. Care plans are made to bring comfort and support... It’s important to be aware of communication, both verbal and non-verbal. It’s important to always communicate slowly and clearly so that the resident can understand you. Always try to empathize with your resident, (empathize to see from their point.…
I believe it is my responsibility to provide the patients with adequate information regarding the objectives, alternatives, and possible outcomes and risks of a proposed treatment. This will enable the patient to make a voluntary decision about accepting or declining care. I will respect the decision made by the patient on whether or not to perform the medical procedure. Patients should be treated “consistently with compassion even under stressful circumstances” (Morrison, 2016, p. 60).…
Physiotherapists use physical means of treatment such as; massages, electrical therapies, hot or cold packs and complementary therapists use methods such as: acupuncture, herbal medication, or aromatherapy.…
Having a personalised and holistic approach to a person’s pain and discomfort needs good teamwork. E.g. Nurses and care workers may be able to help to support the person with physical pain. By using effective communication skills verbal and non-verbal, including active listening will help to support people holistically. Supporting people is looking at the person as a whole, and considering all of their needs…
Conventional medicine, alternative and complementary therapies can be used as an option to relieve pain and other symptoms if desired. A care plan is individualised and enveloped to cater for the service users which support their wishes, preferences and what is important to them. Pain relief should be documented.…
When I support the individual suffering from pain and discomfort, I try to understand his/her condition holistically. I believe that this is the only that approach will help me to support the individual entirely.…
The importance of this study is that patient education are well documented in the literature and patients are more likely to experience positive outcomes and increased satisfaction with their care if they are well inform.…
During a clinical rotation we come into contact with many patients, from many different backgrounds, with many different disease processes which effect their systems. Each patient has their own manifestations, of signs and symptoms, along with courses of action which are taken to best meet their individual needs. One of the tools used when caring for a patient is education. states “A well-informed patient is more likely to cooperate if the patient understands” (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2011). Educating a patient allows a patient to be more involved in their care, and there is a greater possibility for compliance once the…
Patient-centered care is globally becoming the focus in the health care system, resulting in the integration of evidence-based practice to improve care. Evidence-based practice has been introduced to the health care industry to incorporate clinical expertise, scientific research, and the values as well as preferences of patients to ensure that the patient is the focus of care. Nurses play a crucial role in the implementation of evidence-based practice to ensure that clinical decisions based on current evidence, patient values, and clinical expertise guide the care provided to the patient. To improve care, nurses must consider what decisions should be made for the care of a patient through careful assessment of patient preferences while also…
The second guiding principle is empowerment. Empowerment is important in chronic illness care as it give the patient the confidence in providing their own care. An example of giving empowerment to a patient is enabling them to perform their own subcutaneous injections. (Vincent, 2014, pg. 203-210) Due to Emily being eight years old it is important to take parent empowerment into consideration. By educating her parents on Emily’s different conditions it allows them to feel more in control when her…
I believe a patient has the right to autonomy and should be treated as individuals with everyone receiving the best care available. Although most individuals have some of the same basic needs, everyone is different and requires different levels of care and education. I believe the patient’s health and recovery depends on their beliefs, mindset, and support system. Families should also be educated to the patient’s needs and requirements to maintain health and…
The NDP tested a new model of care and compared facilitated and self-directed approaches to implementing this model in a group-randomized…