Answer the following questions regarding simple machine systems. Each question requires proper illustration and annotation, including labeling of forces, distances, direction, and unknown values. Illustrations should consist of basic simple machine functional sketches rather than realistic pictorials. Be sure to document all solution steps and proper units.
All problem calculations should assume ideal conditions and no friction loss.
Simple Machines – Lever
A first class lever in static equilibrium has a 50lb resistance force and 15lb effort force. The lever’s effort force is located 4 ft from the fulcrum.
1. Sketch and annotate the lever system described above.
2. What is the actual mechanical advantage of the system?
Formula Substitute / Solve Final Answer
AMA = 3.33
3. Using static equilibrium calculations, calculate the length from the fulcrum to the resistance force.
Formula Substitute / Solve Final Answer
A wheel barrow is used to lift a 200 lb load. The length from the wheel axle to the center of the load is 2 ft. The length from the wheel and axle to the effort is 5 ft.
4. Illustrate and annotate the lever system described above.
5. What is the ideal mechanical advantage of the system?
Formula Substitute / Solve Final Answer
6. Using static equilibrium calculations, calculate the effort force needed to overcome the resistance force in the system.
Formula Substitute / Solve Final Answer
A medical technician uses a pair of four inch long tweezers to remove a wood sliver from a patient. The technician is applying 1 lb of squeezing force to the tweezers. If more than 1/5 lb of force is applied to the sliver, it will break and become difficult to remove.
7. Sketch and annotate the lever system described above.
8. What