Define metabolism and describe the two forms; Anabolism and Catabolism and give examples of each?
Metabolism: Every time food is swallowed, the body works hard to process the nutrients that have been consumed. Long after the food is digested, the nutrients the body has now eaten become the building blocks and the fuel of the body to keep it going. The body gets the energy it needs from food, and this is called metabolism. Metabolism is a collection of chemical reactions that take place in the body’s cells, metabolism works to convert the fuel in food eaten into the energy needed to make body’s move. Metabolism is a constant process and is a vital process for life in all forms.
What is Basal Metabolic …show more content…
This means it can be transported round the body and bring oxygen and glucose
Valves – valves prevent the backflow of blood and keeps blood moving in one direction around the body. The valves help glucose and oxygen reach the cells allowing the body to function normally. blood pressure
Blood pressure is the force of blood so that it reaches all parts of the body that it needs to reach. If a person has low blood pressure they may feel weak, and if they stand up to quick the blood may not travel to their upper body causing them to feel light headed and faint, whereas if a person has high blood pressure, the higher pressure puts extra strain on the heart and the blood vessels. They are more likely to suffer from a heart attack or stroke because of this. High blood pressure is also known to cause heart and kidney disease and is linked to dementia. More than 120 over 80 and less than 140 over 90 is the average adult blood pressure reading. Blood pressure is measured by recording when the pressure is biggest on the artery; this is known as systolic reading. When it’s measured at its least it is known as a diabolic