When considering which method is superior, it must be remembered that both methods have strengths for various aspects of a business. Although absorption costing is a valid method, organisations with diverse products and services will use just a single cost driver to absorb overheads, which leads to distorted cost estimations. Also by excluding certain non-production costs in absorption costing, management can make uninformed decisions. However Absorption costing is very easy and affective to implement for companies that provide only one product. As ‘Creations’ has 2 productions, ABC can give managers a “clear picture of how products brands, customers, facilities, regions, or distribution channels both generate revenues and consume resources”… “And helps managers focus their attention and energy on improving activities that will have the biggest impact on the bottom line” This said, it is claimed “the predicted benefits of ABC… may be an unreliable costing technique” (Dugdale and Jones 2003)