Interventions for GERD = low fat, no etoh, milk, tabacco, peppermint, carb beverage, avoid eating 2hours before bed, no tight clothes, elevate HOB. Meds are h2 antagonists famotidine (Pepcid), nizatidine (Axid) or ranitidine. Proton Pump inhibtor: - decrease gastric acid – Prevacid, Pilosec (omeprazole) Prokinetic agents: accelerate Gastric emptying – i.e Reglan
BMI = kg/ height ^2 or lbs x 703/height^2
Stoma assessment = check size, color, drainage, skin, should be shiny, moist, deep rich red
Pancreatitis = autodigestion of the pancreas from premature activation of the digestive enzymes. Chronic is from ETOH usage, acute is from autodigestion. In pancreatitis, the “ases” (aces) are high. Low calcium and magnesium.
s/s Ulcerative Colitis = in large intestine, ab pain/cramping right lower, anorexia, weight loss, fever, diarrhea 15-20x, mucus, blood, retal bleeding, ab tenderness, high pitch bowel sounds, anemia.
Endoscopy-teaching/interventions/postop care = conscious sedation, NPO, prep laxative, enema to clean bowel,
Cholcystectomy- post op complication = monitor drainage, care of t-tube, reporting increase in drainage or odor, clamp 1-2 hours before meals, low fat diet, stool should return to brown color in a week. Rigid board-like abdomen or rupture needs surgical intervention
Chron’s-treatment/interventions N = IT IS NON-SPECIFIC SPOTTY INFLAMMATION OF ANY GI PART. right low pain, diarrhea 5-10x, flatus, malabsorption, weight loss, blood in stool, high pitched, ab tenderness. Treatment is supplements, no etoh, use probiotics, surgery doesn’t cure it. Can give salicylates blocking prostaglandins and leukotrienes which decreases diarrhea. Azathioprine-imuran and infliximab-remicade, and bromide banthine all lower inflammation and diarrhea. From Immune System.
G tube -teaching
ABG = ph 7.35-7.45, Pa02 80-100, PaC02 35-45, HC03 22-26. ROME
Pneumonia s/s, two types noninfectious meaning